The Dr. Prabhakar Kore Basic Science Research Center was established in the year 2012 with the aim of providing a platform for research to KAHER constituent units. The center has 10000 sq ft laboratory space that houses Analytical Laboratory, Microbiological Laboratory, Cell culture laboratory and Molecular Biology and bioinformatics laboratory. These laboratories are engaged in key areas like phytochemicals, drug delivery, molecular biology and genetics, microbiology, cell culture and cancer biology. Besides investigator driven research by the faculty the centre provides support for research by students and faculty of the constituent units of KAHER. Besides research, the center also conducts a Master of Science in Biotechnology course under KAHER. The center also provides opportunities to young and enthusiastic students with training opportunities through internship programs. The center strives to contribute to the health of individuals through basic and applied research.

The encompassed "Seven sacred Stars" of KLE Institutions have provided the "Prabhakara" - The beacon (Orange - Red Sun) with his "Seven radiating flames" Incessantly providing the strength to gain higher knowledge.
The flag bearing Sanskrit words signify our origins and the fundamental of research - seamlessly based on two concepts "Research is ever progressive and Knowledge is unlimited"